Saturday, November 22, 2008
flight info - Sunday
Flight info:
American Airlines
flight 2196
November 23, arrive 12:20 pm
See you soon!
Monday, November 10, 2008
So busy!
I am sorry that I haven't written in so long. These past few weeks have been amazing, and I am enjoying every minute left of my trip! I would post pictures, but my internet connection is too slow right now. I hope to write more later this week, but here are a few things I have been up to:
I visited a coffee plantation, had my birthday party at Luna de Miel, a place with delicious crepes, climbed 365 steps to see a beautiful view of Antigua, cheered for my friends as they ran a 10 K, and took my teacher out for her birthday. Of course, I have been studying a lot. I hope to take my grade D test at the beginning of next week.
I will see you soon. I get in Nov. 23.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Spent some time with the little ones again
So far I am enjoying level D at school. I hope to get to E before I leave.
Time for homework. There are a few interesting things that I want to do in the coming weeks, such as go to a coffee plantation/musical instrument and clothing museum, walk up 365 steps to a cross from which you can see the whole city of Antigua, ride a boat around breathtaking Lake Atitlan, and go to a festival of gigantic kites. So we can all look forward to that.
Have a great day!
Friday, October 24, 2008
A Good Week
Tomorrow I am going to the orphanage again with a few friends. I am looking forward to seeing the same little ones. Sunday I may go to a nearby city called Chichicastenango. So, look for some neat pictures Monday or Tuesday.
Mel, thank you SO much for my birthday package. I opened 2 things so far. The gum is delicious. Here I am with my gifts wrapped in paper colored by Brice.
Dad and Kathy sent me a card with their recorded voices on it. Listening to them gives me a great start in the mornings.
My housemate's grandfather passed away yesterday and she left this morning for Arizona. Since she only has 4 more weeks and the flight is so expensive, she will probably not return. We have walked everywhere together for 2 months, so it's weird not having her here. I pray that God comforts her family.
Have a wonderful weekend. I look forward to seeing you all more than you know!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Caves, Rivers, and Scorpions
Saturday, October 11, 2008
From Silly to Serious
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Mi Testimonio
Hi Everyone!
Here's your chance to see what you remember from high school Spanish. My homework was to write a short composition using different verb tenses. I decided to write my testimony. I would like to ask you to pray with me about something. If nothing else happens in Guatemala, I want to know that my teacher is a Christian. We have talked about it some. We even read scriptures in my bilingual Bible last week. I am praying that she puts her faith in Jesus if she has not already done so.
Yo tengo muchos recuerdos de la infancia maravillosos. Mis padres y mi hermana menor Melanie y yo estabamos muy compenetrados. Nosotros hablabamos, jugabamos, y reiamos mucho juntos. Mis padres nos ensenaban acerca de Dios. Yo aprendi que todos nosotros nacimos con pecado y estamos separados de Dios, pero Jesus murio en la cruz para pagar el precio por nuestros pecados entonces nosotros pudimos conocer a Dios y vamos al cielo. Nosotros necesitamos creer que Jesus murio por nosotros y entonces preguntamos a el para perdonarnos de nuestros pecados, y el va a perdonarnos. Cuando yo tenia ocho anos, yo dije a mi papa que yo queria recibir el regalo de Dios para la salvacion. El y yo nos sentamos en mi cuarto y leiamos algunas escrituras y orabamos juntos. Ahora mi cosa favorita acerca de dios es que El esta siempre conmigo. Yo estoy agradecida con mis padres porque me hablaron acerca de Jesus.
I have many wonderful memories of childhood. My parents, my younger sister Melanie, and I were very close. We talked, played, and laughed a lot together. My parents taught us about God. I learned that all of us are born with sin and are separated from God, but Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for our sin so we can know God and go to heaven. We have to believe that Jesus died for us and then ask him to forgive us of our sins, and He will. When I was eight years old, I told my dad that I wanted to receive God's gift of salvation. He and I sat in my room and read some scriptures and prayed together. Now my favorite thing about God is that He is always with me. I am grateful to my parents for telling me about Jesus.
Today some students and teachers visited a jade factory. Above is a picture of Erika and me with tiny coffee mugs.
I'll see you in 6.5 weeks!!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
A day at the orphanage
One little boy stuck out immediately. I called him Monkey because he climbed on everything. I was his tree and swing for most of the day.
The children got out a few of their toys and books so we read and practiced the alphabet and numbers.
Then, it was time for breakfast. The children sat quietly at the table waiting for their food. They must have been told to be silent during mealtimes because I didn't hear a peep out of them until the end. After pudding, an orange, and bread with syrup, each child got a cup of hot diluted coffee. That's normal here, but it was so strange. They looked like little adults sipping their daily cup of Starbucks coffee.
When a child finished, he said, "Muchas gracias" (thank you very much), and everyone else said to him, "Buen provecho" (I hope you enjoyed your meal and I hope it is beneficial to you).
I was amazed at the independence of the children. When 2-year-old Tony was finished, he climbed out of his high chair like a contortionist , took his plate to the sink, then pushed his high chair to the wall.
After getting the children ready for the day, we played outside to our hearts' content. I was scared that the kids were going to roll down the mountain, but apparently they are used to their play area. They played on the swingset, slid, threw rocks into a bucket of water, rode little toys, played cops and robbers with pipes and sticks as guns, and played ball. For a while, I was a prisoner in jail who was only given water from time to time. Of course, little Monkey's feet never touched the ground.
After a good lunch of chicken, rice, potatoes, and tortillas, we watched a cartoon. I think it was the movie Barnyard.
I enjoyed time with and will remember each child. By the time we left at 5:30, I was completely exhausted! I don't know how the house mothers do it every day.
I am thankful for the opportunity I had to spend time with the children. It was an unforgettable day. It certainly made me even more grateful for my family. I love you and miss you!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Making Progress
Monday, September 22, 2008
Great Reminder of Why I Am Here
Hot Chocolate Surprise
Monday, September 15, 2008
So many people!
Have a wonderful week. Look for more next weekend.
Independence Day Celebration
Starting Week 3
I finished my 2nd week of school here in Antigua. I feel like I am learning a lot, but don't ask me too many questions in Spanish yet. :) Today is Guatemala's Independence Day, so we do not have school. I'm at Higher Grounds Coffee Shop emailing and doing homework. Here are some pictures to enjoy....