Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm here!

Hey Everyone,

I made it! What a long, almost unbelievable 24 hours! I'll fill you in. By the way, if you'd like to picture me in Guatemala, imagine coffee shop, open windows with red flowers, rain, lots of cars and motorcycles flying by, and Spanish everywhere.

It was very difficult leaving friends and family at the airport. I don't cry often, but this was definitely a teary occasion. As I was sitting at my gate, I realized that I should have boarded already. I learned that the gate # and time had changed, so I took a hike to gate 31.

I sat by a nice older woman on the plane who tugged on my seatbelt to make sure it was fastened. I journaled, read a page or 2, watched "Maid of Honor", and rested my eyes. The whole way there I couldn't believe I was headed to Central America!

After I got my luggage, I looked for my ride. I have never been so elated to see my name! Francisco, the driver, and I talked the whole way from Guatemala City to Angigua. The first thing he said to me was, "Solo espanol." My brain hurt trying to think of every Spanish word I ever learned. We were actually able to have a decent conversation about families, mountains, weather, volcanoes, and the school.

We pulled up to the house, and I was very nervous. Who is my host family? Are they kind? The answer that I now know is YES. More in a second on that. The dad, Hector, showed me my room and bathroom and told me breakfast is at 7. He speaks some English. That was a relief. When the door was closed, I felt VERY alone. This is where prayer came in big time! I am so grateful for a God who is personal and always present. I unpacked some, read cards from home, read some Scriptures, listened to "Never Let Go" on my iPod and then fell asleep listening to a sermon by Steve Roese. I was scared and wondering why I chose to leave my comfy apartment, church, and family.

Today is a new and MUCH better day. I am remembering that God has called me, that He has amazing plans and a purpose for this journey, that I will meet people from all over the world, that he is causing me to grow in my faith like never before, and that I will return home speaking espanol.

I had breakfast with Hector. I'd better learn to like bananas and fast! We also had delicious pancakes. Then, I was off to the school. I will be walking a lot here. It is about 5 blocks down the road. The staff greeted me warmly. I filled out paperwork and a beginner's test. I'd say out of 90 questions, I may have gotten 40 correct. I have some work to do, huh? I then sat down to email.

Oh, I forgot to tell you that I was able to call Dad upon arrival at the home. Hector hesitated, saying that the phone is only used for special occasions, but I said that it was a special occasion. :)

At school, I met a man and woman from Tulsa, 2 Canadian girls who graduated today, and a lady from St. Louis. They were each a blessing to help me get acquainted with my new surroundings.

Guess where I'm going tomorrow? I'm hiking a volcano! I don't waste any time, do I? We're starting at 6am. My host mother, Sandra, who I had lunch (delish chicken, potato, corn, broccoli, and jello) with this afternoon, who is absolutely precious, said that it is beautiful. I'm excited!

I'm at a YWAM (Youth with a Mission) cafe right now called Higher Grounds. I learned that World Racers are here until Wednesday! Remember the trip that I was going to go on? I hope to run in to them.

Tonight at dinner I will meet Diego 9 and Sophia 12, the children at the home. Tomorrow a 25 year old North American girl comes to live with us. I am really looking forward to meeting her. She may even be from Texas.

Prayer requests:
I am experiencing culture shock. I'm tired and missing everyone and the comforts of home. So, please pray for a quick adjustment period.
Divine appointments.
A fun, safe trip to the volcano.

I must update you on my financial situatioon. I am near 80, maybe 85%! I will look at that tonight. Praise God for bringing in the support. Thank you all.

I have to run to the bank and school shortly. I will blog tomorrow about my hike.

Love y'all,


Kelley said...

I'm glad you had a safe trip Tina and how like you to jump rght in and start sightseeing and hiking immediately. :-) I look forward to reading your regular updates about this adventure.

Christina said...

Hi Tina!!
Nice word picture. Glad you had a safe trip and were able to call your dad. I'd wanted to see you off at the airport, but didn't make it. Sounds like blessings are all around! Praise God! A! Is it active? ;-) I can't wait to hear all about it! It's Friday, hallelujah! I made it through the first week, didn't see kids and I'm still exhausted! Praise God for long holiday weekends. Have fun! Praying for you!

Alex W Blackmon said...

Tina Sharee,

Excellent job of writing your blog. Your description is detailed and vivid. I would really like to go to the volcano with you. Maybe another time like when we are in the same country or something. Watch out for Nauxious fumes up there. (:

Thank the Lord for your safe arrival and your good living situation. It sounds like a good family. And congratulations on the test. I am certain I would not have gotten 40 questions right.

Hasta luego y buena suerte,


PUAS Ministries said...
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PUAS Ministries said...

Hi miss Waldrum. So happy to hear you are adapting so quickly. Sounds like you are living it up already. Am so glad to hear you arrived safe and sound. Was wondering who called at midnight, and glad to know it was your dad telling me you were safely in your room. When you mentioned feeling so alone in the room, it reminded me of my first day in college. Definitely culture shock, although in the opposite direction. From a small poor South American country to the big windy city of Chicago. Here you are from the big D to Guatemala. Get some good rest, enjoy the volcano, and let us know about your first weekend. Hasta manana mi amiga.

Unknown said...


I can't tell you how excited I am for you. When I read your first blog from Guatemala, chills of went down my spine. I just know God is about to bless you in ways far beyond you can imagine.

As far as your prayer request, just know, that if things were not a challenge for you, then they may not be worth doing in the first place. God is simply broadening your surroundings and preparing you for a more diversed lifestyle.

Remember, be flexible and keep your eyes on Jesus. (Hey, someone should write a song about that!) :)

Many blessings upon you, my Sista!

Lezlie Carter said...

Hey Tina!

Wow...thank you for sharing from you heart...and for being so real about your feelings. you made it! take lots of pictures and remember to stick your head out and eat a teddy graham:) (If people read this, they may be a bit confused) we love you tina:)
Oh! I made it through one week with third graders...oh my! But, they gave me hugs on Friday, so that was sweet.

love you!

jotoethel said...

oh i wonder how the volcano hike was??!! i'm thinking and praying for you, Tina! you're really making me itch to go on another mission trip...i miss being immersed in a totally new place with all of its challenges and being so dependant on God for everything. we didn't get to go dancing before you left though...

jotoethel said...

jotoethel is cindy kim, btw.

Kim said...

Sooooo, how was the hike. I'm waiting for your vivid descriptions, so I'll feel like I was there with you. Mikaela has already started asking when you're coming home. I told her right before Christmas and her response was "But that's a long time away!" I'm still kind of in shock your gone, but oh so proud to be your Aunt.

Love you bunches sweetie!

Tina said...

Your comments make me smile and give me courage. Thanks! Love y'all so much!